Hi, I am a Research Fellow at the MZES, University of Mannheim. I completed my PhD in Political Science in the Research Training Group DYNAMICS and the Hertie School in Berlin. From April 2022 to June 2022, I was visiting the Department of Political and Social Sciences at the EUI. Previously, I completed my MA in Political Science and my BA in Media and Communication Studies and Political Science at the University of Zurich.
My research interests focus on migration, (comparative) political behaviour, causal inference and experimental methods. In my dissertation, which was supervised by Mark A. Kayser, I have worked mainly on the determinants of political behaviour of immigrants, where I am particularly interested in how characteristics of the regime in the country of origin influence behaviour in the host country. I am also interested in socialisation processes in authoritarian regimes and their effects on attitudes and behaviour more generally.
Feel free to contact me if you would like to connect and talk about projects, common interests or anything else at korinna.lindemann@uni-mannheim.de!